- Xavier DeArco
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- Small Business Success
Small Business Success
I do not come from money.
I started with zero dollars and not the best upbringing that would set me up for success. Or financial literacy.
I had to rely on myself and discover uncomfortable things to unlock a life that I always wanted to have growing up.
A little over 18 I joined the Navy to learn skills and earn a little bit of cash to become eventually financially free.
I never knew literacy when it came to finances or how to even start a business.
Hell, I didn’t even know you could buy a house, I thought you just rented your entire life.
At the time I was in the Navy 19 years old active duty just gotten off of deployment.
This was a great and exciting start to our lives together, my wife and I, but we knew very little about life at the time.
I bought my first house and we had very little furniture.
We did not even have a table in our dining room.
So, we decide "What if we just build one ourselves? "
We went to our local hardware store and picked up some lumber.
With basic tools a hand saw, a drill, and some screws we put it together, stained it and it was done.
Took a few hours to do and we were surprised with the way it turned out.
It was far from perfect, but we built it and it was able to be used practically.
At this point, we thought " I wonder if we could sell this "
We went onto Facebook marketplace and posted it for around $200
Our initial investment in lumber was around $75.
And we had TONS of messages from people wanting to buy it!
We were so surprised that people wanted to buy something that we created knowing really nothing, and just using basic tools and a build plan you can google on the internet.
Soon after our first sale, we built more and more and got better with time.
Using YouTube we learned different techniques for woodworking to make our quality more efficient and more palatable for others to buy.
We had made anywhere from $3-$8k a month doing this.
Knowing absolutely nothing beforehand.
My wife could not even use a drill beforehand, now she is 10x a better woodworker than I'll ever be.
Building the business
We started officially by registering an LLC and creating a Facebook and Instagram page naming our business DeArco Designs.
From there, as time went on, we reinvested the money we were making into better tools and processes to make it run more efficiently. At this point, we could churn the furniture to our customers and make more money.
Mind you my wife was doing this with me and I was doing this on the side of my full-time gig in the Navy sometimes working 60+ hours a week.
That is what it takes to build something for yourself and unlock levels you never knew were possible.
Around 7 months later, a newsletter that was well-known in the area, had reached out because one of our clients had spread word of mouth.
You can see the newsletter below.
This Virginia Beach woman is nailing the furniture-building world – The Virginian-Pilot (pilotonline.com)
Below is also our Facebook and Instagram page.
This had grown our following much bigger and caused us to have clientele for 2-3 months out of the entire time I was stationed in Virginia.
We had never thought this would have gotten this big.
It all started with us writing down our goals and starting a business was one of them
I had never thought a wood-working business would be that, but the fact that I wrote it down it came to life a year later.
I knew absolutely nothing about woodworking, and using free resources like YouTube allowed me to learn and improve my wife and my craft along the way.
You are truly the only one stopping your potential.
Present-day DeArco Designs
Since the early days of our business, we have moved from Virginia Beach to North West Florida.
We still build furniture and have unlocked different builds along the way.
We started with just basic tables and now have created dog-crate entertainment centers, entryway tables, and a plethora of other things we have discovered to build for a variety of customers.
As time goes on we have adapted and grown vastly to expand our business and continue the journey of entrepreneurship and all of the lovely things that come along with it.
So, I share my story with you to show you you can accomplish things that may not have been fathomable at one point or another.
You just have to start, TODAY.
It’s as easy as that.
If you need help with a game plan for your unique path and how to get you to where you want to be see below.
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If you need one-on-one help, you can always book a call with me, and I can help coach you through it in your specific area.
Click this link to book a free 1-on-1 call: https://t.co/6DdNePHD8Z
How to make $10,000 a month flipping couches. (beehiiv.com)